Rohit Talwar is a futurist keynote speaker and a strategist with over 20 years of experience business ownership. He is a CEO and a founder of Fast Future Company in publishing and strategy consulting space. He is an author and an editor of many books including "Aftershocks and opportunities: scenarios for a post-pandemic future." Rohit has an MBA from London Business School and BA with Honors in Engineering and Computer Science.
Stay open and flexible, keep on learning
1. Learn 4 different scenarios for a post-pandemic future
2. Analyze brilliant examples of successful pivots of businesses during the pandemic
3. Get inspired to build a business and a career fit for future
I'm a curious mind whose favorite thing in the world is to ask questions that help me fully understand. With each episode we will uncover trends that you can use to build an algorithm to your own success.
Anar Umurzakova